Coaching isn’t about me. It’s about you, beautiful soul.
You are wondering about me and if I have anything of value to offer you; if I can help you with your change.
That depends on a few ifs: if we are a good match, if you are curious about you, if you ache for change enough to do the work, if you are committed to yourself enough to try new things even if it is uncomfortable.
I want to put questions to you – for you to find your own conclusions and rewrite your own life story. There is no such person who has figured it all out and aren’t you tired of following someone else’s plans and dreams? I want to open you up to yourself rather than tell you how to live.
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What is Integral Coaching®?
Integral Coaching® is a coaching method developed by JoAnne Hunt and Laura Devine, founders of Integral Coaching Canada Inc. A wholistic and all-inclusive approach to human development is grounded in Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. Integral Coaching’s power for deep human transformation and growth comes from its unique approach that weaves knowledge, insight and practice from all major human disciplines from psychology & philosophy through to cognitive science & spirituality. It offers a structure for me to combine my own deep wisdom and compassion with effective practical tools to meet you where you are and enable you to grow into a fuller and more wholesome you.
This is life-changing work.
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Phone: 604.414.4587